No More Running Free

Enough is enough. It’s time companies are put on a leash. If not, they continue ignoring Human Rights and the environment.

Around fifty Swiss organizations – amongst which Amnesty International Switzerland, Solidar Swiss, Berne Declaration Greenpeace and the International Comission of Jurists –  are fed up with the way companies which are based in Switzerland are behaving in the world. They say we need to put international corporations on a leash.

They imagine it as following:

With a petition which you can sign here, they ask for the Federal Council and Parliament to “ensure that corporations headquartered in Switzerland are compelled to respect human rights and the environment worldwide. This is the call being made by some 50 organisations in a joint campaign and a petition.” Switzerland has one of the highest numbers of TNC based within their border. Controlling them means real change for the way business is done.

Corporate Justice explains: “Voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives by companies on the basis of self-regulation have proven too ineffective to prevent human rights violations and environmental degradation. The “Corporate Justice” campaign has therefore set itself the goal of building on the voluntary concepts by creating a legally binding framework. ”

If you are interested in seeing some examples of Swiss companies misbehaving in the world, you find here case studies collected by Solidar Swiss (only in German so far).

Corporate Justice is present also in Davos at the WEF; Solidar Swiss members have been walking their invisible dogs there to make people aware of the campaign.

Please sign here.

6 thoughts on “No More Running Free

  1. Pingback: And the Winners are… | Kosmos 9

    • Hey there! That’s bad news, try cutting it down to 4-digits (CH is a small country) all numbers – that should work. Thanks for signing 🙂

  2. Pingback: And The Winners Are… | Kosmos 9

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