The Future We Would Have Wanted

Rio+20 – The Future we Want“: don’t trust these words. There’s nothing more misleading than this headline – written by Samir Abi, Barcelona Consensus

The future we want is far away from the final document entitled with this bold statement who will certainly be validated by the heads of state present in Rio during the next days. Continue reading

What’s the Future Like?

My mother told me the other day: it looks as if the world is coming to an end.

She had just read about the new report issued by the Club of Rome which indeed does sound rather scary. But the makers of Limits to Growth are not the only ones who believe that the world is going down if we don’t act.

The Tellus Institute is asking similar questions.  The Boston based research institute is driven by the idea of a different world. According to the project called Great Transition Initiative there are three main perspective for the future of our planet, Continue reading

What Do You Care

When a video like Kony 2012 goes viral, what does it show us?

Hopefully, it means that there is still some empathy left within our societies. Even if consumerism and individualism are taking its toll. But from time to time, we are still shaken and awaken by the things that go on in the world we live in. That kind of empathy, however, is becoming rare. Continue reading