What’s the Future Like?

My mother told me the other day: it looks as if the world is coming to an end.

She had just read about the new report issued by the Club of Rome which indeed does sound rather scary. But the makers of Limits to Growth are not the only ones who believe that the world is going down if we don’t act.

The Tellus Institute is asking similar questions.  The Boston based research institute is driven by the idea of a different world. According to the project called Great Transition Initiative there are three main perspective for the future of our planet, Continue reading

If We Weren’t Doomed To Be Prisoners

“Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limits – in a world that is limited.”

These words, written by Garrett Hardin in 1968, seem to desccribe nicely the situation we are in as far as the use of natural resources is concerned. We all use too much because Continue reading

Growing Growing Growing

We grow, the buildings around us grow and so do the piles of books and other things we own. The thing is, growth has its limits.

Inspired by a series of articles in which TAZ discusses the limits to growth, I will be looking at what happend to the idea in 40 years. Continue reading

Seven Revolutions

In which fields is the world going to change the most over the next 15 years? The Center for Strategic and International Studies has the answer

and speaks of seven revolutions. Apparently, we are having exciting times ahead of us. The Center is trying to promote that leaders leave the short-sighted thinking behind and look at the greater – not to say sustainable – picture. Continue reading