I’ll Give You Mine for Some of Yours

When I was a child I used to exchange stickers with my friends. It’s time to rediscover the joy of swapping.

The Good Magazine recently asked: “What if vending machines became a fresh way to reuse, recycle, and trade with people in your community?” Continue reading

Day 1: Consumption

Day one of the No Impact Week is over and the first challenge for week has started: Do not buy anything.

So today is all about realizing that we tend to buy so many things we actually do not need. This means as a consequence that as part of the project we will not buy anything – except food – for the week.

The No Impact Week proposes you to Continue reading

Collaborative Consumption

How many of you have books and movies at home that you do not actually use anymore, but can’t really throw away?

Check out this wonderful introductory TED-talk into collaborative consumption and get some amazing good ideas on how to reduce consumption and feel good about it. It goes far beyond sharing books, and I am sure we can come up with some more.
