I Am a Poet

What happens if hip hop, world music or an orchestra meet education? An explosion of words, sounds and ideas.

Poetry and music have a lot of power. They can help us to express ourselves. They can help us to turn the world into a more just place, both on a global and on a local level.  Continue reading

Bring the World into your Living Room

How about teaching a young and interested person about the world you live in, your culture and your language, while at the same time learning about another culture without leaving your house?

It sounds terrific? Well, just host a foreign exchange student.

How does it work? Continue reading

Birth of a Country

The rise of a new nation is an outstanding event. It can lead to peace and stability in a region. Is this – finally – going to happen in Palestine?

The public opinion collector Avaaz is supporting Palestine in its fight to become a country. It is today that “the UN Security Council will meet, and the world has an opportunity to embrace a new proposal that could Continue reading

Music for Change

Music can move mountains, right? That is what the people from Playing for Change think as well.

They write about themselves: “Playing for Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect and bring peace to the world through music.” They perform at benefit concerts all over the world in order to inspire and give hope to people.

These amazing artists come from all over the world: Senegal, Congo, USA, Ireland, Japan, Nepal, Spain, etc. Not only does their music touch your soul; Continue reading